VS Code Markdown Snippets for a Gatsby Blog




A snippet in VS code is used to autofill code for you directly in the editor as you type keywords.

A repetitive task that always comes up when writing a blog post in markdown is to set the frontmatter, aka the post metadata.

Here is how I configured my snippets for writing markdown posts.

Configuring the snippets

In Visual Studio Code, start by going to File > Preferences > User Snippets.

Then type markdown.json in the search bar or simply scroll to select markdown. Press enter and this will open up a file named markdown.json. Add the following code to this file. Edit as needed for your own metadata.

  "Frontmatter": {
    "prefix": "frontmatter",
    "body": [
      "title: \"$1\"",
      "slug: \"$2\"",
      "author: \"Patrick Touchette\"",
      "date: \"2020-$5-$6\"",
      "category: [\"code\"]",
      "tags: [\"$3\", \"$4\"]",
    "description": "Generates the frontmatter for a blog post"

Now this won't work out of the box, to get the snippet to show up, start by typing "frontmatter" in your markdown file, then press ctrl + space.

Quick suggestions

To make the suggestion pop up automatically, add this to your vs code settings file.

Go to File > Preferences > Settings, then click open JSON in the top right. Or open the commande palette ctrl + shift + p and type Preferences: Open Settings (JSON).

Add this to your settings.json file.

"[markdown]": {
    "editor.quickSuggestions": true,
    "editor.wordBasedSuggestions": false

Bonus Snippet

Another useful snippet is to add custom html elements inside your markdown. I use this to add a filename over code blocks.

	"filename": {
		"prefix": "filename",
		"body": [
			"<div class=\"filename\">$1</div>",
		"description": "Creates a code block with filename"